Post by Hayato Kurosaki on Mar 13, 2011 2:30:43 GMT -6
-Hayato Kurosaki-
My name is: Neme
I am advanced~.
[/left]I am advanced~.
-The Basics-
Name: Hayato Kurosaki
-Nickname/Alias:: Prince of Avalon
-Age: 17
-Gender: Male
-Occupation: Prince of Avalon
-Human/Non :
-Hair Color: blonde
-Eye Color: blue
-Height: 6'2
-Weight: 140
-Distinctions(i.e. scars, moles, missing limbs…): n/a
- Character Appearance;
At first looks, Hayato sees to be the very lanky type. He is very skinny and doesn't look like he has much on his small form. However, many would be surprised that even though his form is small he does have muscle there in his abs and arms. Most people miss it however, do to the boy's love of hoodies whenever he isn't forced to wear something royal like. Normally he is found in dress clothes, though when he gets away from his parents he likes wearing street clothes and his favorite jacket.
When it comes to his facial features, it is hard to miss Hayato. His eyes are a striking blue, and his hair is a golden blonde much like his father's, though his mother's hair is red. When he is being his "princely" self, his hair is normally pulled up into a short ponytail that he absolutely hates, though his parents think it makes him look good. Whenever he can he will pull this out almost immediately. His hair down long normally falls down just above his shoulders and is longer in the back than on the sides.
+being treated like a normal person
+being alone
+writing music
+easy fitting clothes
+sweet food
+cold weather
-being a prince
-being forced into things
-the constant watchdogs
-being contained
-being reminded of the past
-spicy food
- bright lights (hurts his eyes)
- his heritage
- can't say no
+ knows martial arts
+ photographic memory
+ kind to people
Hayato at first glance, seems like a kid that not many peoole would like. Though, don't let that fool you, normally a scowl is plastered on his face, but that is only during his prince duties. Though the boy always acts like he hates the job its really all the pressure and the constant stares that bother him along with his parents constant hovering.
Hayato is also very calm. Outside of the few occasions, Hayato is generally a very calm person. It takes a lot to make him angry, and you have to really push him over and over again to get any reaction from his anger, though this isn't encouraged. Along with the calm nature of his, if he ever gets to the point of being mad, it is not a pretty site. He will go against you with everything he has.
Hayato is also the loner type. Though the boy doesn't hate people, he likes his personal space too. Which, is not something he gets often because of who he his. Hayato normally uses whatever time he has to write music and whenever he isn't doing anything important a pair of headphones will always be seen on his person. Hayato is deeply in love with music and would never give it up.
Hayato is also the leader type. The boy has a few issues about his princehood do to his parents, but he is a true born leader. He doesn't think twice about helping others, and would do anything for anyone, if they asked him too. He is also very strong in that way, making it easy for people to trust him and lean upon him for help, no matter what kind.
Hayato is also insanely brilliant. The blonde has always been smart and good with school and work, though he doesn't like doing it, it doesn't mean he isn't good at it. He normally picks things up the first time and can lock it into his brain. He is also good at learning things through reading. He can read something and remember it a year or more later with perfect detail. Due to his photographic memory, the boy could carry straight A's.
-Current Town: The White palace, Avalon
-Parents: The emperor, and empress
-Siblings : ember, unknown wereabouts
-Other Family: n/a
-Full History:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas condimentum justo id nisl pretium pellentesque. Aenean adipiscing dolor eu sapien varius ultricies. Etiam at lacus nibh, in rutrum metus. Nullam sapien lorem, mollis in auctor nec, pulvinar sit amet velit. Mauris mattis enim et mauris iaculis adipiscing. In venenatis metus in ante fringilla feugiat. Vivamus nunc lectus, consectetur eu rutrum vel, ultrices at nunc. Mauris sit amet ante vitae erat venenatis interdum. Curabitur massa urna, convallis eget egestas at, pretium ac quam. Duis tempus velit vitae risus consectetur quis rhoncus odio blandit. Curabitur euismod erat sed nisi viverra in varius tortor suscipit. Nulla lacinia, felis vel rutrum tempus, lorem quam fringilla augue, sit amet semper libero lorem ac eros.
Proin posuere dignissim velit sagittis cursus. Curabitur nec velit enim. Vestibulum id pulvinar mauris. In diam turpis, ultrices at interdum ac, euismod sed lacus. Integer fermentum tempor purus, vitae feugiat ante bibendum ut. Donec eu dolor sit amet nisl fermentum ullamcorper quis rhoncus sem. Integer est nibh, rutrum et dapibus sed, porttitor sed nibh. Praesent massa erat, malesuada ac venenatis sit amet, tempor sed lacus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Proin hendrerit libero a lacus tristique eu venenatis ipsum hendrerit.
In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum adipiscing, odio eu imperdiet volutpat, augue justo ornare leo, at tincidunt eros mauris ut justo. In consectetur tempor risus, sed consequat velit posuere ut. Donec neque dui, congue at auctor porttitor, elementum facilisis lectus. Ut tincidunt nisi vitae lacus faucibus sed eleifend tellus dictum. Suspendisse luctus dictum dictum. Suspendisse non velit in erat porttitor tempus. Mauris molestie faucibus felis, ut pellentesque elit egestas sit amet. Etiam eleifend, metus sed venenatis bibendum, metus nibh dignissim purus, et porta tortor arcu vitae nulla. Nam volutpat accumsan est tempus dictum. Cras adipiscing, magna aliquet pellentesque pretium, ligula nisl ullamcorper mi, et ultrices leo tortor quis leo. JUST SO YOU KNOW I WILL BE REALLY DOING THIS LATER. Curabitur a tellus nec elit porttitor pulvinar ut non nibh. Nam ornare elit vitae ligula ullamcorper tincidunt. Aliquam porta tempor diam quis accumsan. Donec sed mi tellus. Nulla commodo egestas erat, nec egestas diam tempus id. Mauris vulputate, metus sed luctus feugiat, erat erat tincidunt lacus, ac molestie quam enim nec mauris. Ut rhoncus, tellus molestie tempus consectetur, odio lacus elementum eros, eget sollicitudin nulla elit vel eros. Sed ut libero nec sapien auctor fringilla in sit amet turpis. Donec euismod sem aliquam magna ornare laoreet.
Integer vel diam mauris. Mauris commodo turpis eu erat semper lobortis eget nec odio. Aenean dignissim, velit consectetur interdum mollis, ante risus vestibulum dui, a facilisis est ipsum sed nulla. Donec congue sapien eu risus viverra tristique et eu dui. Praesent et purus ante, vitae egestas tortor. Maecenas ut nulla vitae enim scelerisque imperdiet. Pellentesque sodales sapien vulputate risus feugiat ut mollis quam euismod. Aenean auctor mauris eget odio ornare tincidunt. Vestibulum euismod semper lectus sed laoreet. Quisque porttitor cursus nisl non luctus.
Ut imperdiet, arcu vel egestas imperdiet, tortor erat lobortis dui, quis volutpat lacus libero eu leo. Pellentesque in lectus in orci convallis volutpat. Sed sollicitudin auctor sapien vel fermentum. Ut bibendum, nisl dictum convallis ultricies, justo dui sagittis nulla, eu fringilla velit ligula at sapien. Nunc nec dui eu risus consectetur eleifend ac eu justo. Suspendisse vel venenatis lacus. Duis bibendum convallis turpis sit amet ultricies. Integer interdum pharetra turpis vel accumsan. Proin eu leo eget justo luctus pulvinar et et lacus. Sed vel est eget orci feugiat mollis eget id justo. In quis erat eget est molestie tempor. Nulla facilisi. Nullam massa diam, sodales sed consectetur non, fermentum ac nisl. Vestibulum facilisis, quam ut feugiat dapibus, neque diam venenatis risus, non rutrum tortor dui vel ligula. Praesent eu nibh mi, ac ullamcorper erat. Nam quis odio lectus. Nulla quam nibh, imperdiet at accumsan non, congue non odio.
-Roleplay Sample:
Things were bustling much as they were expected to at Central Station. Everything was brimming with life, the military more so as they always were. The place was filled with scampering officers doing different things for their commanding officers while others where bored leaning back in chairs and some even smoking to try and stay cool and collected. There was never a slow day for one particular State Alchemist.
Slow? Ha. There was never an EASY day, let alone slow. The flame alchemist was always doing something, be it paperwork or having to solve some problem that the others from his group couldn't. And there was always the chance of doing something out of Central, though that wasn't as often as the paperwork. The paperwork, oh that word drove the man crazy. It was all he ever saw anymore.
And, it was currently what had his attention. The blackette had his cheek rested on his left hand while his right hand quickly scribbled down certain things on the piece of paper in front of him. He would admit he hated doing this stuff but at least the sooner he had it done, the sooner he didn't have to do it anymore. Some days though, he just wanted to burn the crap. It would be sooo easy... and no one would ever have to know.
Roy thought about that thought. No, someone would definitely know. The people he had to turn it into. He really didn't need that down his neck, so he let out a sigh and just continued. It probably took him another hour before everything was completely done and he had it all in a stack and let out one more sigh. It was then that the door burst open and "surprised" mustang. In no way did it scare him, you know with him being him.
The papers he had just finished went flying everywhere and soon covered his entire office. It was no surprise that the colonel's face was filled with anger. His eyes glanced up to see Hughes in his door. It caused a eye twitch from the man. Hughes let out a soft laugh and backed up a bit putting up a hand. "My bad." he said. "HUGHES!!!!" Mustang yelled at him.
It wasn't a surprise that Mustang wanted to just ignite his friend and closest person to him right there. But Hughes was quicker and blurted out the reason for his intrusion. "W-Wait! I-It's the Elric Brothers, they are here!" he said quickly. The words stopped Roy in his tracks. A dumbfounded look crossed his face. The only thing the man could think in those moments was "why now". Roy let out a sigh, anger momentarily forgotten. He walked forward ignoring the paperwork he had slaved over earlier.
With a sigh he followed Hughes out of the room and to wherever the boys had shown up this time. In the back of his mind he wondered exactly what he was going to see. The boys normally didn't ever show up by their free will, so it often meant trouble. Mustang let out a sigh and hoped that today would be the one exception
-Anything Else you think we should know?: